Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Procrastination: The Writer's Sucky, Sucky Friend

Procrastination is like your worst friend. You know the one who always cancels, never shows up, and talks incessantly about themselves. That one. You can't cut them off because you've known them since______  (fill in the blank). 

There are soooo many articles out there that claim they can help a writer overcome procrastination.  Here's one who may, or may not, help:  http://writetodone.com/overcome-procrastination/

In the meantime, Carpe MaƱana. 

Monday, August 25, 2014

Reader View: Big publishers don’t care about heart of literature - The Santa Fe New Mexican: My View

Reader View: Big publishers don’t care about heart of literature - The Santa Fe New Mexican: My View

Interesting article. Lucky for me that my book wouldn't be considered "literature."  At least I don't think so. I'm just writing a book I would like to read: A funny, complicated mother/daughter relationship combined with an incredibly interesting mystery attached. If it turns out to be the Great American Novel we will have to be on the lookout for flying pigs.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Writing Prompts That Don't Suck

I've given away so many writing prompt books in my lifetime. None of them ever matched what I was writing, or they required a particular format--essay, drawing pictures, taking a walk in nature, etc. Well, the search is over. I simply googled 'writing prompts that don't suck' and found this wonderful site:                          http://awesomewritingprompts.tumblr.com/  

The title is of the blog is "Writing Prompts That Don't Suck."  Fancy that. Usually google gives me thousands of entries to sort through; however, I stop looking after the first three pages. Doesn't everyone? Anyway, I highly recommend this particular blog for any writer, of any genre. It's fun, current, usable, and, most importantly, it doesn't suck. 

Tired of only finding sucky writing prompts on the Internet? I know I am. Check back every day for a new prompt that totally doesn't suck.